Vacbed YAY!!!!!


After countless HOURS trying everything in my bag of tricks over the years, discovering new ones in the process, but always failing, I finally, today, found the setup which gives me a realistic vacbed effect!!!

It’s not perfect, but I’m working on it!

The worst part? The fucking control that allowed me to finally did it, was… hidden in plain sight.

Anyway, Karen is in for a treat now!

Gradually getting better with finer details…

Refining, adding accessories

Fine tuning the pose. Pretty much getting where I wanted to be.

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8 thoughts on “Vacbed YAY!!!!!

  1. Your art get better and better. With every post more I think your are an digital art expert. Thank you for your great work

    1. Well, this sucks… In a jolly good way!!
      And yeah, now that I can have a “believable” vacbed effect, you bet Karen is going to end-up between the latex sheets.

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