Karen – Locktober 1



Yes, it’s a long shot. I just got this idea of a story for Locktober and I decided to sprrrreeeaaad it until then, until October that is, so the story will be relevant.

They were sitting at their favorite tea shop, sipping their favorite cups of tea on this chilly March day.

They were sitting in silence. Lynda was surprisingly quiet. Karen found it odd but was not sure if she would ask. She knew Lynda. If she had something, she would tell her about it.

Nevertheless, that was creating a weird atmosphere.

“Say, Karen,” finally opened Lynda, rolling her cup of tea between her hands, looking at it, as if she had something embarrassing to say or to ask.

“Yes Lynda?” answered Karen, puzzled but eager to learn what was troubling her friend.

“You… Well, I know that you do these… kinky stuff…” began Lynda.

Karen smiled. She relaxed. So, it was about her kinky lifestyle. She had no problem with that.

“Yes, go on, Lynda.” said Karen with a warm smile, leaning slightly forward.

“Yes… well… I read that thing about something called lock October, or something… Do you know about it?”

Karen giggled.

“Yes. It’s called Locktober. It’s some kind of tradition of someone being locked into a chastity device for the whole month of October.”

“Ah… Yes. That’s what I read. Did… do you do that?”

“Whut?” asked Karen, a little surprised by Lynda’s interest.” I… Well, no. Not really. The first reason is that I have nobody to, you know, hold the key, and the second reason is that…” she said, gently pushing her chair backward, lifting her tight fitting shirt to show a shiny steel belt around her waist, “I’m almost always locked.”

“Oh… right.” said Lynda, obviously surprised by Karen’s revelation, keeping silent and looking at her tea. Then her eyes lit up.

“Oh, wait. You just said that you don’t do that lockber thing because you have nobody to hold the key. It means that you can take it off anytime you like, right? After all, you’re holding the key.”

“Well, yes and no. I have this locking box. I put the key in and lock it for some time without any means of getting the key back unless I break said locked box.”

“Ah. I see.” said Lynda, a devilish grin forming on her face. “So… what if I propose to keep the key for the whole month? That way, you would have no control over it.”

“That’s… em… very interesting, Lynda, but also very surprising. You never showed any interest in kinky stuff before. Why the sudden inquiry?” asked a puzzled Karen.

“I… I don’t know. When I read that story, it was about a man who was chastised for one month., and it made him horny as hell by the end of the month, especially since his girlfriend teased him almost non-stop for the full month.”

“Yes, that would be interesting, but you’re not my girlfriend… or boyfriend, for that matter.”

“Oh…  Yes. I… I know. But I thought, I mean… Oh well… Better forget it. It was just a silly thought.” said Lynda.

“And October is what, over six months away?” added Karen.

“Yeah… Silly of me. In my defense, I just read the story.” she said, smiling.

The conversation switched to a different subject. Lynda was back to her normal of talking about everything and anything, much to Karen’s joy.

They finished their tea and parted, Lynda walking her way in her loose pants and flat shoes, while Karen was hopping happily in incredibly high heels boots, shiny faux-leather jeans and a tight leather jacket, surprisingly hiding her chastity belt from view.

Lynda was smiling. More than usual.

[To Be Continued]

Note: When updated, the story title will be updated too and a new posting date.

Of course, Images will follow.

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2 thoughts on “Karen – Locktober 1

  1. Hello Pierre,

    I am really interested in the story and what will happend between them.

    But I think I have to wait until it is October?

    Or Locktober?

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