Christmas 2017 update… Wait, what?


A reader with a keen sense of observation (or knowing my work more than I do myself…), mentioned that two “parts” of a Christmas story, dating from 2017, were missing.

And that reader was fucking right. Somehow, the first story ended with “a sequel might be possible”, so when I revised it prior to put it on this current site, it didn’t occurred to me that there was sequel, or rather sequelS.

I had to search for said sequels, which I found “lost” in a generic folder.

So, here they are:

The original story: A Very Bondage Christmas

Sequel 1 (new… sort of): A Kinky In-Between

Sequel 2 (new…): And a Bondage New Year

I understand that 30C temperatures are not exactly within the “Christmas Sprit” and that, the current date is far from “New Year’s Eve”. However, it might put some “cool” over those parts of the world who suffers a heat wave.

I hope you all forgive me for such a blunder. In the meantime, I’ll put on my neck entry catsuit, my highest heels and I will tie myself to a post for a few hours as a self-punishment. (yeah, right…punishment…)

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