Wrong House Update


Nothing to post this weekend.

Worked on it a little during the week, and apparently, I’ve catch a cold for the weekend. No, not THAT one, the classic one . Tested myself twice, negative on both counts. Wait… Did I test myself for Covid or sanity? Never mind. The results would still be negative.

Dizzy head, sore throat, coughing, runny nose. Not really into writing and what I write is lacking… continuity. I did add six pages this (Sunday) morning, and when re-reading them I realized that, well… some re-writing is needed.

Creating images is somewhat good, although I fall asleep at the keyboard… or blankly stare at the screen, my brain on neutral.

Hey, it’s just not any bug. It’s a MAN’s cold!! 😉

Just to let you know.

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4 thoughts on “Wrong House Update

  1. If writing and art helps you feel better then great but if not then that’s fine as well.

    It’s more important to get better than to try and force the story!

    Hope you feel better soon and the “Man Flu” isn’t too bad for you x

    1. Thank you for your kind words, LatexRachel.

      The weird thing is that, when I’m sick with a cold or the flu, my brain gets all fetishy and stories ideas are bouncing wall to wall in my head. A youtube preview thumbnail, a phrase heard on radio, the title of a TV show, all triggers story ideas. But as soon as I sit down to write, stop dreaming and start thinking about it, all goes blank.

      I was just watching a TV show while having lunch, where the driver of a car who has to put on a strong acceleration, told the passenger “fasten your seatbelt”, and my mind went “Woah! Yeah, put a 5 points leather seatbelt, posture collar, ankle cuffs linked to the floor, wrist cuffs linked to knee cuffs and a ballgag to stop the passenger from screaming. Oh, and get that passenger in full latex and heels”.
      Yeah, I’m weird like that.

      And oh, I’m not forcing anything. At least, the storyline is put down. I stopped “forcing” anything last summer. That’s why this story is taking so long to write. I still feel a little bit guilty about it, but I calm myself down, and let it go.


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